Implementing a Service Layer in PHP

Atakan Demircioğlu
Jotform Tech
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2023


In this post, I’ll show you how to implement a service layer in PHP using a real-life example.

First, let’s define some terms:

  • The service is a separate class that encapsulates the business logic for a particular domain or functionality.
  • The service class can be called by controllers or other classes in your application to perform the necessary operations.

An example implementation of User Registration

Let’s look at a common example: creating a user registration with a service layer. Here are the steps to do this.

1. Create UserService class

UserService class requires a UserRepository object to interact with the database.

UserRepository is responsible for querying and manipulating user data in the database.

In this example, the UserRepository class interacts with the User model provided by the Eloquent ORM.

The findByUsername method queries the user’s table for a user with a specific username using the where method and returns the first result using the first method. The save method simply saves the user model using the save method.

By separating the business logic into a service class and the data access logic into a repository class, we can keep our code modular, testable, and maintainable. We can easily swap out the data access layer with a different implementation without affecting the service layer.

Create a route

Next, we need to create a route. Here’s an example:

Route::post('/register', 'UserController@register');

Create a controller

Next, create a new controller called UserController using this code:

php artisan make:controller

Then, add a register method to your UserController class:

The register method first validates the input data using the Laravel validate method.

It then extracts the username and password from the request and passes them to the registerUser method of the UserService class along with a UserRepository object.

Finally, the method returns a JSON response indicating that the user was registered successfully.

Note that we’re using constructor injection to inject the UserService into our UserController class. This ensures that we’re always using the same UserService instance throughout our application.

Also, note that we’re passing the UserRepository object as an argument to the registerUser method of the UserService class.

This is because the UserService class is responsible for handling the business logic for user registration, while the UserRepository class is responsible for interacting with the database. By passing the UserRepository object as an argument, we can keep the UserService class decoupled from the specific database implementation.

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